Leninism and Bioleninism

Leninism and Bioleninism
Photo by Soviet Artefacts / Unsplash

Full Title: Leninism and Bioleninism - YouTube
Creator: Charlemagne
Publication Date: 3/21/2020
Series: Spandrell - YouTube
Original Article: Bloody Shovel 4 - Leninism and Bioleninism


Leninism and Its Evolution

Concept of Leninism

  • Leninism began with the notion that political parties are more effective in orchestrating political activities than individuals.
  • Further, political parties attract a certain type of person - that type that obeys, and therefore can be trusted.
  • Leninism grew from these principles, emphasizing structured control and organization within political movements.
  • Once a party secures power, it will notice there is power to be had outside of parliament as well. (Executive, judiciary, the press, education, etc.)

Bio-Leninism: An Expansion

  • Bio-Leninism extends the traditional Leninist approach by incorporating biological differences and societal statuses into its strategy.
  • Some people just aren't capable of being successful at capitalism.
  • Leninism focuses on gathering support from individuals considered low-status in society by promising them elevated status through political change.
  • This approach leverages the inherent social and biological disparities among people to fuel its political momentum.

Political and Economic Parallels

Invisible Hand in Economics and Politics

  • The concept of the "invisible hand" suggests that individuals seeking personal gain in an unrestricted environment contribute to the economy's overall efficiency.
  • Similarly, in politics, the pursuit of power in a free political environment leads to the formation of structures designed to capture and consolidate that power.

Theory of the Firm

  • Firms exist to reduce transaction costs and establish trust among economic actors, which individual transactions lack.
  • This concept parallels political parties, which organize and streamline political efforts more efficiently than solitary individuals.

The Evolution of Power Structures

Formation of Political Parties

  • Political parties don't need to do anything except be able to recruit committed people.
  • Being unreasonable gets more loyal followers than being reasonable. This is true on both sides and leads to divergence between the sides.
  • They emerged as mechanisms to systematically acquire power within parliaments and beyond.
  • The expansion of these parties into various societal sectors demonstrates the relentless pursuit of power beyond initial political aims.

The Role of Socialism

  • Socialism offered a refined approach to mobilizing low-status individuals by promising them a reversal of their fortunes.
  • Reasonable, normal-ish people have a lot of options in society. Outcasts need commitment to a crazy plan.
  • The ideology aligned closely with the interests of those discontented with their societal status under capitalism, providing a broad base of support.

The Gramscian Approach to Power

Gramscian Beaurocratic Incrementalism

  • Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) was an Italian Marxist/Communist agitator, who wrote mostly while in prison.
  • Gramsci proposed a gradual conquest of cultural and educational institutions to reshape societal norms and values in favor of leftist ideologies.
  • This "long march through the institutions" (aka the War of Positions) aimed to infiltrate and dominate various power structures without direct confrontation or revolution.

Distributed Leninism

  • The West witnessed the emergence of a more distributed form of Leninism, focusing on cultural dominance rather than outright political control.
  • This approach has led to the progressive infiltration and influence over education, media, and other key societal institutions.

Implications for Society

Leftist Ideological Shift

  • As societal conditions evolved, leftist strategies adapted to focus not on economic class struggle but on elevating those with various forms of low status.
  • These people are pissed and resentful at anything "normal" in society, and they will do all they can to mess with society.
  • This shift reflects the continuous adaptation of leftist strategies to recruit support from diverse social groups (those people who will never make it on their own for any reason).
  • In a free society, the politics always move to the left.

The Quest for Absolute Power

  • Despite the diffusion of leftist ideology across various sectors, the ultimate goal remains the concentration of power.
  • The absence of a unified leader or party to stabilize this concentration of power has led to a continuous leftward drift in Western politics.


  • The trajectory of Leninism and its offshoots underscores a relentless pursuit of power, utilizing both political organization and societal divisions.
  • The ongoing influence of these ideologies suggests a profound impact on the structure and dynamics of power within society, continually evolving to incorporate new strategies and targets.


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