Managed Dehumanization

The project of dehumanization breaks down societal bonds and traditional institutions. This weakens opposition to the agenda of the Managerial Elite (currently the Globalists) and makes the masses more amenable to managerial techniques.

Managed Dehumanization


Executive Summary

The project of dehumanization breaks down societal bonds and traditional institutions. This weakens opposition to the agenda of the Managerial Elite (currently the Globalists) and makes the masses more amenable to managerial techniques. This project has been ongoing for decades under the current regime.

Explaining the Concept


  • The managerial class & elites thrive under corporate governance
  • They aren't responsive to individual rights-based arguments
  • Managers want cultural homogenization due to increased ease of managing workers
  • Weaker ties to other institutions help them manage the masses
  • Mosca's law - the organized minority will always rule over the disorganized majority
  • The more disorganized the masses, the easier they are to manage
  • Standardized public education also aligns with their goals
  • This is why managerial elites and left ideology go together better than you'd think
  • As long as abundance increased and quality of life isn't impacted, the general class is content to let the erosion of society proceed in the background without doing anything about it

Next Steps:

The radical left and its agenda:

  • Their agenda is a nexus of ideas and ideologies specifically designed to erode and then break down the traditional structures of society
  • Structures like families and religion create bonds that interfere with the homogenization process
  • This (to the managerial elite) stands to decrease productivity and disrupts the predictability of mass homogenization
  • They sell the idea that breaking the bonds of family and tradition (freeing them from the obligations those things demanded) would bring the masses liberation
  • Instead, it has created deeply unhappy people who have struggled to find meaning
  • But we know wokeness can never hope to replace the bonds created by family and/or religion
  • the managerial elite refuse to see this and instead accelerate those aspects of their ideology that lead to societal disintegration
  • Transgenderism is the pinnacle expression of derascination - stripping the individual of all innate identity down to the biological level and encouraging them to remake themselves in their own image
  • But nobody actually constructs their own identity a priori
  • Instead, they just become easier to mold into the perfect cog
  • They can be lead to believe almost anything
  • Managerialism is doomed to failure
  • The truth of human nature
  • Humans cannot be successfully separated from the very institutions, traditions and connections that give their lives meaning
  • Attempts to do so will inevitably lead to social collapse
  • Elites are incapable of recognizing, much less addressing this fatal flaw
  • to do so (even attempt to do so) would threaten the very basis of their power

Conservatives have an advantage

  • Need to focus on policies and plans that promote family and community bonds
  • This will be what helps heal and will offer what civilization desperately needs: a positive vision grounded in what makes us human.

Major Thinkers and Works

  • James Burnham - The Managerial Revolution

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