The Dark Enlightenment

The web series and book "The Dark Enlightenment" by Nick Land is a collection of essays and blog posts that explore the themes of the intellectual movement known as the "Dark Enlightenment."

The Dark Enlightenment

Full Title: The Dark Enlightenment Author: Nick Land Publication Date: 2023 (book), 2012 web series ISBN: 978-1-922602-68-8 Series Title: Studies in Reaction Link to Worldcat: Nick Land Published by Imperium Press Also available on Nick's website The Dark Enlightenment, by Nick Land | The Dark EnlightenmentThe Dark Enlightenment - Imperium Press



The web series and book "The Dark Enlightenment" by Nick Land is a collection of essays and blog posts that explore the themes of the intellectual movement known as the "Dark Enlightenment." The Dark Enlightenment is a controversial (to the left) and often misunderstood movement that critiques the modern liberal consensus and advocates for a return to traditional, hierarchical forms of government and society. The following are some of the main themes explored in the book:

Critique of liberal democracy:

  • Overview: Land argues that liberal democracy has failed to deliver on its promises of freedom, equality, and prosperity. He critiques the idea of universal suffrage and argues that democracy leads to a "tyranny of the masses" and the erosion of individual rights.
  • Nick Land's critique of liberal democracy is multifaceted and covers a range of issues. One of his central arguments is that liberal democracy has failed to deliver on its promises of freedom, equality, and prosperity. According to Land, the reality of liberal democracy is characterized by a gradual erosion of individual rights and a growing sense of social and economic inequality.
  • One of the key problems with liberal democracy, according to Land, is the idea of universal suffrage. He argues that the mass enfranchisement of the population has led to the tyranny of the majority, where the interests of the majority are imposed upon the minority. This, he claims, leads to the erosion of individual rights and the suppression of dissenting voices.
  • Land also criticizes the notion of individual autonomy and the idea that individuals are free to pursue their own interests and desires. He argues that this leads to a society where people are disconnected from any sense of community or tradition, and where the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification becomes the dominant ethos.
  • Furthermore, Land believes that liberal democracy has failed to address the root causes of social and economic inequality. He argues that the emphasis on individual freedom and choice has led to a society where wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few, with the majority left to struggle in poverty.
  • Overall, Land's critique of liberal democracy is rooted in his belief that the liberal democratic model is fundamentally flawed and incapable of delivering on its promises. He advocates for a neoreactionary approach that would restore traditional forms of authority and hierarchy, arguing that a strong state and a powerful ruling elite are necessary to maintain social order and prevent the breakdown of civilization.

Race and genetics:

  • Overview: Land argues that genetics plays a significant role in determining intelligence, personality, and other traits that are essential for success in modern society. He also explores the implications of these findings for race relations and immigration policy.
  • Nick Land's views on race and genetics are controversial and often criticized as being racist and pseudoscientific. Land argues that genetics plays a significant role in determining intelligence, personality, and other traits that are essential for success in modern society. He believes that differences in intelligence between different races are largely due to genetic factors, rather than cultural or environmental factors.
  • According to Land, some races are inherently more intelligent than others due to differences in their genetic makeup. He cites research in the field of psychometrics, which has found that certain cognitive abilities, such as IQ, are highly heritable and show consistent differences between racial groups.
  • Land also believes that these genetic differences have important implications for society. He argues that the pursuit of egalitarianism and multiculturalism is misguided, as it ignores these inherent differences and leads to social and economic inequality.
  • Land's views on race and genetics have been widely criticized for their lack of scientific rigor and for their potential to reinforce harmful stereotypes and discrimination. Many experts in the field of genetics and psychometrics have challenged Land's claims, arguing that the relationship between genes and intelligence is complex and not fully understood. Furthermore, many experts in the field of social science have argued that racial differences in intelligence can be better explained by social and environmental factors, such as poverty and discrimination, rather than genetics.
  • Overall, Land's views on race and genetics are highly controversial and have been widely criticized. Many experts in the field have challenged his claims, arguing that they are not supported by scientific evidence and are potentially harmful.


  • Overview: Land sees the rapid advances in technology and the rise of global capitalism as the key drivers of social change in the modern world. He argues that the pursuit of technological progress and economic growth should be the primary focus of society.
  • Nick Land's view of techno-commercialism is based on the idea that technology and capitalism are the driving forces behind social and economic progress in the modern world. Land argues that the pursuit of technological progress and economic growth should be the primary focus of society, and that this pursuit will ultimately lead to greater prosperity and well-being for all.
  • According to Land, technological progress has the potential to transform every aspect of human life, from healthcare and education to communication and transportation. He believes that technology can solve many of the problems facing humanity, and that it can be harnessed to create a more efficient, productive, and prosperous society.
  • Similarly, Land views capitalism as the most effective economic system for generating wealth and prosperity. He argues that the free market allows for innovation and competition, which in turn drives economic growth and improves living standards. Land believes that capitalism has played a central role in the rise of the West, and that it is the best way to ensure continued economic progress.
  • Land's view of techno-commercialism is not without its critics, however. Some argue that it places too much emphasis on material wealth and economic growth, at the expense of other important values, such as social justice and environmental sustainability. Others argue that it ignores the potential negative consequences of technological progress, such as the displacement of workers and the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few.
  • Overall, Land's view of techno-commercialism is based on the belief that technology and capitalism are the driving forces behind social and economic progress in the modern world. While this view is controversial, it has influenced many thinkers and policymakers, and continues to shape debates about the future of society and the economy.

Neoreactionary politics:

  • Land advocates for a neoreactionary form of politics that seeks to restore traditional forms of authority and hierarchy. He argues that a strong state and a powerful ruling elite are necessary to maintain social order and prevent the breakdown of civilization.
  • Neoreactionary politics is a political movement that seeks to revive traditional forms of authority and hierarchy in society. Land's version of neoreactionary thought is often referred to as "Dark Enlightenment" and is characterized by a rejection of liberal democracy and a focus on restoring order and stability through strong leadership and traditional values.
  • According to Land, neoreactionary politics is necessary because liberal democracy has failed to deliver on its promises and has led to social and economic chaos. He argues that the mass enfranchisement of the population, coupled with the emphasis on individual autonomy and the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification, has undermined social cohesion and eroded traditional values.
  • Instead, Land advocates for a society that is organized around a strong state and a powerful ruling elite. He believes that a small group of intelligent and capable individuals should be in charge of society, and that they should be able to exercise authority without being constrained by popular opinion or individual rights.
  • To liberals, this neoreactionary vision is quite controversial, and his critics argue that it is authoritarian and undemocratic (see above!) Some also criticize it for its potential to reinforce harmful stereotypes and discrimination, particularly with regard to race and gender (as they use those tools to criticize literally all opposition).
  • Overall, Land's view of neoreactionary politics is rooted in his belief that traditional forms of authority and hierarchy are necessary to maintain social order and prevent the breakdown of civilization. While his ideas have attracted a following among some groups, they have also been widely criticized for their potential to undermine individual rights and social justice.

Overall, the book presents a challenging and interesting critique of modernity and liberalism, and it is likely to provoke strong reactions from readers.


Part 1: Neo-Reactionaries Head for the Exit Part 2: The Arc of History is Long, but it Bends towards Zombie Apocalypse Part 3: Untitled Part 4a: A Multi-Part Sub-Digression into Racial Terror Part 4b: Obnoxious Observations Part 4c: The Cracker Factory Part 4d: Odd Marriages Part 4e: Cross-Coded History Part 4 f(inal): Approaching the Bionic Horizon


"Exit, Voice, and Loyalty" - This is a concept from economist Albert Hirschman that Land frequently references in his work. It refers to the different ways that individuals can respond to dissatisfaction with a given institution: by leaving (exit), speaking out (voice), or remaining loyal (loyalty).

"Patchwork" - This is a political concept that Land has proposed as an alternative to the nation-state. It involves the creation of a network of small, autonomous communities that are organized around shared values and interests.

"The End of History" - Land believes that the liberal democratic order is nearing its end and that a new era of history is about to begin. He sees the current political and cultural climate as a sign of this impending transformation.

"Techno-commercialism" - This is Land's term for the fusion of technology and capitalism that he sees as the driving force behind modern society. He believes that technological progress and economic growth are the key to solving many of the problems facing humanity.


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