On Managerial Elites 2 - The Managerial Elites

On Managerial Elites 2 - The Managerial Elites
Photo by Chad Stembridge / Unsplash

Full Title: The Managerial Elites - YouTube
Creator: Academic Agent
Publication Date: February 14, 2020
Series:  On Managerial Elites - YouTube

Brief Summary

This video discusses the shift from traditional, smaller-scale organizations to mass organizations, resulting in conflicts with traditional elites, the rise of a new managerial elite, changes in ownership dynamics, and the promotion of conformity through mass consumption.

Full Summary

In the early 20th century, the world, and especially the West experienced the transformation of organized human activity, resulting in the emergence of mass and scale in many aspects of society. This transformation is characterized by the rise of mass state governance, mass corporations in the economy, and mass organizations in culture and communication. This explosion in scale created conflict between the traditional elite and the new managerial elite brought about by mass organizations.

Major points of discussion include:

Emergence of Mass Organizations: The early 20th century saw the proliferation of mass organizations, such as the bureaucratic mass state in government, mass corporations in the economy, and mass media and cultural institutions. These organizations have collectively reshaped societal structures and norms.

Conflict with Traditional Elites: The growth of mass organizations leads to conflicts with traditional elites and their established ideas, values, and belief systems. Mass organizations rely on technical skills and formal training for control, which contrasts with the personal skills and status position of the former (traditional) elites.

New Managerial Elite: The expansion of mass organizations necessitates a new managerial elite with technical, specialized skills. Merit and proficiency in these skills become the criteria for entering and rising within this new elite.

Shift in Elite Values: The new managerial elite values technical proficiency and meritocracy, disregarding traditional criteria like status, kinship, and moral codes. This shift fuels the ongoing expansion of mass organizations and their control over society.

Transformation of Ownership: The emergence of mass corporations shifts ownership from a concentrated few to a dispersed mass of stockholders. This dispersal necessitates the hiring of professional managers, altering the dynamics of corporate control.

Managerial vs. Ownership Interests: Managers prioritize the growth and well-being of the corporation, favoring reinvestment for expansion, while owners seek higher dividends. This shift in priorities aligns the managerial class more closely with the interests of the corporations they manage.

Impact on Entrepreneurial Firms: Mass corporations aim to absorb or eliminate small entrepreneurial firms, leading to an oligopolistic economic structure. This challenges the sovereignty of the market and the entrepreneurial structures of the old bourgeois order.

Transformation of Property: In managerial capitalism, ownership and control are separated, leading to a dematerialization of property. This shift favors fiat currency and debt-based economies, promoting consumption through credit.

Dependence on the State: Unlike entrepreneurial capitalism, managerial capitalism is directly reliant on the state. The fusion of the state and economy aligns the managerial elites in both sectors.

Civilizational Struggle: The conflict between managerial and entrepreneurial elites extends to a broader struggle over moral codes, social values, and political structures. Managerial values seek to break down individualism and promote collective conformity.

Cosmopolitanism and Homogeneity: Managerial capitalism sponsors an ideology of cosmopolitanism that promotes universal identities and values while breaking down diverse elements of the old bourgeois order. Mass consumption is used to foster conformity.

Mass Hedonism and Consumption: Managerial capitalism promotes mass hedonism and consumption as a means of conformity and consumer discipline, discouraging critical thinking and promoting conformity.


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