On Managerial Elites 6 - Further Implications of Managerial Capitalism

On Managerial Elites 6 - Further Implications of Managerial Capitalism
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash

Full Title: Further Implications of Managerial Capitalism - YouTube
Creator: Academic Agent
Publication Date: March 3, 2020
Series:  On Managerial Elites - YouTube

Brief Summary

This video explores the control exerted by managerial elites, clarifies the separation of ownership and control, the implications of dematerialization, and the potential shift towards a socialist state within the framework of managerial capitalism.

Full Summary

The major ideas related to managerial elites and their influence in modern society:

Managerial Elites and Control:
• Managerial elites have gained control across government, corporations, and media in Western liberal democracies.
• This control is attributed to the mass and scale of operations that require technical managerial skills.

Dispersed Ownership and Mass Stock Holdings:
• AA highlights how managerial elites achieve control through dispersed ownership and mass stock holdings.
• A few major asset management firms own a significant portion of mass corporations (see Blackrock, Vanguard, etc), while small and medium firms are often overlooked.

Ownership vs. Control:
• There is separation of ownership and control due to the rise of passive investors.
• Traditional owners are concerned with profit, while managers prioritize growth.
• Look at those who control Blackrock, Vanguard, etc.

Fusion of Government and Corporations:
• There is a near-total fusion of government and corporations by managerial elites, resulting in blurred lines between the public and private sectors.
• Look at how the Cabinet-level positions are filled by Democrats, and then when the reigns of power change hands, they just go back to the "private sector" where they continue working hand-in-hand with the Democrats.

Dematerialization of Ownership:
The concept of dematerialization: highlights how the capitalist process replaces physical ownership with share ownership, leading to diminished moral allegiance and detachment from property.

  • Examples of Dematerialization: Look at the transformation of companies like Disney and Star Wars under managerial elites' control, as well as the shift to subscription-based models in various markets.

Challenge to Austrian School of Economics:
• AA suggests that the dematerialization of ownership challenges the principles of private property upheld by the Austrian School of Economics.

Socialist Interpretation of Capitalism's Contradictions:
• Julius Evola's viewpoint on capitalism's contradictions and how socialist regimes claim to address the individual's enslavement to material consumption.

Totalitarian Tendencies in Managerial Capitalism:
• AA argues that managerial capitalism, akin to left-wing capitalism, is leading towards a totalitarian socialist state under the guise of liberal democracy.
• Traditional political labels are becoming irrelevant in this context.

Revolution of Elites:
• In conclusion: a significant shift in power and a revolution of elites across various levels of society are necessary to alter the current trajectory.


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